"come live in my heart- I charge no rent"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Night Out with the Girls

Nothing cheers up someone's bad mood as a Monthly get together with the girls. I miss all of these girls so much. I used to work with them and we all became best friends but since then only one of these girls still work at that horrible place of employment. We decided to eat at Joy Luck and it was very delicious. Time flew by, and before I knew it we had been there eating, talking, and enjoying each other's company for over 2 hours!

The saddest part of the whole dinner get together was that I found out about a friend who was supposedly a really good friend of mine has been acting extremely fake to me, and even turned on me, backstabbing me without me even knowing it. I'm amazed at how well some people can pull off lying and backstabbing. The one thing I learned from tonight is that you need to trust your instincts, and if something looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is in fact a duck. I don't plan to confront her about it because her backstabbing is in the past, I've grown up and have gotten over what she has done to me, but that does not mean that her friendship to me is still valid. I've had my share of "fake" friends as I'm sure we all have and I've learned that if you keep them around for too long you're just giving them the opportunity to do it to you again. So adios lady. I wish you all the karma and life lessons that are due to you :)

All in all I had an amazing night though. I've missed my girls so much and look forward to the next time we get to gather for our monthly dinner dates :)

Keep Breathing

Today has been an emotional day for me, but as I was getting ready for my work feeling all sad this song came on and completely changed my day.

Sometimes things happen and they may or may not be out of your control, but in the end everything WILL BE OKAY. I had to tell myself that a million times today. Sometimes we just need to remind ourself to Breathe.

As the amazing Gordon B. Hinckley said "Life is to be enjoyed, NOT just endured."

Monday, April 11, 2011

Manchester Orchestra

Coming out with a new CD May 10th.
I may die.

His voice sooths my soul

Red Bell Pepper Hummus Pizza

For Sunday dinner we spent it at some good friend's house in Ogden. The couple that we were with are Vegetarian and so they make some very interesting dinners. Now I never thought that eating vegetarian could be all that good, and I figured that it would get out fast but I must admit, as I was browsing through one of her vegetarian magazines my mouth did drool a little over some of the very appetizing entrĂ©es they were featuring. Since Kyle and Megan were having us over and cooking dinner we were asked to bring the dessert. Tyler's sister Stephanie had made a very yummy looking dessert that I thought I'd try out except for the fact that I didn't follow any of the instructions she gave me, nor did I have a few of the ingredients needed. Lets just say it wasn't one of my proudest desserts I've made. In fact I didn't even want to serve it, but Tyler being the supporting fiance he is MADE me take it, insisting that it would be good.

 Red bell pepper hummus, broccoli, red and green peppers and cheese
it was DIVINE

Our failed attempt at a yummy dessert. It was suppose to be:
Red Velvet Cake, white chocolate pudding with raspberries
BUT since we ran out of white chocolate pudding we had to settle by finishing it off with vanilla, Surprisingly it actually tasted very good! Appearance wise: 3 Taste factor: 7/8 Now if only I make my few minor adjustments to it, it could be an overall 10!! However Kyle did make me leave him a slice to enjoy for when we left, which i'm not sure if he did that to boost my ego, or if he actually enjoyed it. Either way I left not so discouraged :)

Plus you know what they say, "those who never get back up when they fall down never have the chance to realize that getting up would lead them to their next success"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Delicious Foods I'm Having a HARD time saying goodbye to:

Since I can no longer enjoy all the wonderful treats there are in the world I thought I'd dedicate a blog post to them and their deliciousness so that they can be remembered:

Girl Scout Samoa Cookies: although you only come around a few days of the year, therefore making your temptation easier to resist, you STILL are my biggest downfall.

Cupcakes: With your increasing popularity it's hard to not crave you everyday. Especially since the Sweet Tooth Fairy has a bakery right next to my school.

And since we're on the topic of Sweet Tooth Fairy i'll just mention their MELT IN YOUR MOUTH Cake Bites. Uh-Mazing.

Donuts: and yes specifically these pink ones from 7-11 that look like the famous ones from the Simpsons. You are a bit of pure happiness, but I guess i'm going to have to get that happiness from somewhere else... maybe raspberries can fill that hole?

Snickerdoodle Cookies: although I have to bake about 6 dozen of you tomorrow for church, I am sad to regret that you won't be making a visit to all the fruits and veggies that are in my tummy

Ice Cream: you may possibly be the hardest to resist but my thighs and butt will thank me later. Stay creamy and think of me, because I know I'll be thinking of you everyday, especially with a hot summer right around the corner.

and Lastly
In-N-Out Burgers: yes you are far more superior than any other burger I have come into contact with, and although I am surrounded by you and your wonderful aroma all day I can no longer partake in your services.

Well my friends, since I have said all my last and final dues to you, please don't make this terribly sad but for the better break-up even harder to get over by tempting me with your deliciousness.
I love you all.
And until my body proves that it can enjoy you without gaining 10 pounds, I'll be missin ya.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Waiting on Summer

So I recently somewhat started Weight Watchers with my mom so that I can be in the best shape for my wedding and so that at my work party this summer I can show off my amazing "bod" while others will be swimming with their T-Shirts over their swim suits because they have been eating burgers every single day. It's been pretty easy for me to eat healthy. I'm really kicked up my fruit and vegetable intake and I've been cooking some super delicious dinners for my parents and I. With almost a whole week down I'm amazed and much more energized and better I feel. I've been going to a lot of classes at Golds. My go-to classes that I seem to always be in the mood for is Yoga and Zumba and lucky for me last night they were one right after the other! I plan to run the Ragnar either this Summer or Fall, whichever one I get around to.
Also I've been super busy trying to finish everything for finals.
 I honestly feel like pulling my hair out at this point but soon enough it will be over and I can enjoy my summer!
Plans for the summer:
Read many good books
Make plenty of delicious dishes and desserts
Go hiking everyday
Re-teach myself how to longboard
Sew myself a few new skirts
Run some 5k's and other races, maybe a half-marathon if i'm feeling risky
Use my Seven Peaks pass hopefully every dang day!
Plan more wedding stuff
Make wedding decorations
and enjoy the warm sunshine :)

I know this picture is kinda Cliche and very "High School" of me but this summer will be SUPERB.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jazz Game

My mom's friend has season tickets to the Jazz, and so the games that her and her husband don't want to go to, their give the tickets away. well lucky for me my mom and dad got the tickets and didn't want to go so they gave them to Tyler and I. We were 13 rows up from the floor and right next to the Jazz teams bench! it was awesome!
The Funniest part about the whole game was:
1. We did not know a single player on the team (besides Milsap)
2. There was a HILARIOUS black lady and her daughter next to us yelling every 10 seconds "Take that BAWL, take that BAWL" or "Not in ow house" 
3. Funnier than the black lady screaming was the 2 high school kids sitting behind her that kept yelling the things she was yelling to make fun of her
4. Tyler had a twin only 3 rows behind us. Reunited finally at last!

Robintino's, Insidious

Last weekend the gang met up at Robintino's in Bountiful for some delicious Italian Food. Although our waitress was slightly retarded saying to Megan " oh my gosh your ring is so gorgeous (talking about her engagement ring), and then she looks at Kyle and goes oh I hope I didn't ruin the surprise, I didn't know if he was gunna propose or not" K seriously? If she has a ring ON HER FINGER then he prolly already proposed. Just a thought.

After dinner we went to the Gateway and saw Insidious. At the beginning I thought it was going to be exactly like Paranormal Activity but the further it got into it, the more intense it was. Especially the ending! I think if you're in the mood for a good scare, you should go see :)