"come live in my heart- I charge no rent"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jazz Game

My mom's friend has season tickets to the Jazz, and so the games that her and her husband don't want to go to, their give the tickets away. well lucky for me my mom and dad got the tickets and didn't want to go so they gave them to Tyler and I. We were 13 rows up from the floor and right next to the Jazz teams bench! it was awesome!
The Funniest part about the whole game was:
1. We did not know a single player on the team (besides Milsap)
2. There was a HILARIOUS black lady and her daughter next to us yelling every 10 seconds "Take that BAWL, take that BAWL" or "Not in ow house" 
3. Funnier than the black lady screaming was the 2 high school kids sitting behind her that kept yelling the things she was yelling to make fun of her
4. Tyler had a twin only 3 rows behind us. Reunited finally at last!