Girl Scout Samoa Cookies: although you only come around a few days of the year, therefore making your temptation easier to resist, you STILL are my biggest downfall.
Cupcakes: With your increasing popularity it's hard to not crave you everyday. Especially since the Sweet Tooth Fairy has a bakery right next to my school.
And since we're on the topic of Sweet Tooth Fairy i'll just mention their MELT IN YOUR MOUTH Cake Bites. Uh-Mazing.
Donuts: and yes specifically these pink ones from 7-11 that look like the famous ones from the Simpsons. You are a bit of pure happiness, but I guess i'm going to have to get that happiness from somewhere else... maybe raspberries can fill that hole?

Snickerdoodle Cookies: although I have to bake about 6 dozen of you tomorrow for church, I am sad to regret that you won't be making a visit to all the fruits and veggies that are in my tummy
Ice Cream: you may possibly be the hardest to resist but my thighs and butt will thank me later. Stay creamy and think of me, because I know I'll be thinking of you everyday, especially with a hot summer right around the corner.
and Lastly
In-N-Out Burgers: yes you are far more superior than any other burger I have come into contact with, and although I am surrounded by you and your wonderful aroma all day I can no longer partake in your services.
Well my friends, since I have said all my last and final dues to you, please don't make this terribly sad but for the better break-up even harder to get over by tempting me with your deliciousness.
I love you all.
And until my body proves that it can enjoy you without gaining 10 pounds, I'll be missin ya.
They look very delicious.Today I m Gonna try the ten flavour ice-cream.ecommerce development