"come live in my heart- I charge no rent"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tempanyaki and Cirque Du Clearlink

Last weekend was a lot more eventful than a normal weekend for me and Ty. We usually just go to dinner and a movie or hang out around the house with family but not this weekend.

One of my good friends from high school was celebrating her 21st birthday! Happy Birthday Biffer! So a bunch of girls that I went to high school with met up at Tepanyaki in Layton to celebrate. Tyler came with me and he also enjoyed himself. It was good to see some of the girls that I was close friends with, to see how some have changed, and catch up on what was going on with everyone. We ordered Sushi and it was okay, but definitely NOT my favorite sushi i've had. After dinner Tyler and I went and watched a movie with my friend Holly and her boyfriend Jordan and his mansion of a house. IT WAS HUGE and extremely nice. I was forced to pick out the movie so I decided on The Bucket List because it's a great movie and makes me cry every time. Everyone else was a little iffy on my selection because they said that every time they tried to watch it they fell asleep. Well out of everyone, I happened to be the one who fell asleep! haha. It was good to hang out with some new people especially because they are in the same stage of life as we are for the most part.

besides working from 8-5 saturday was a good day. After I got off work I headed home to get ready for Tyler's work party based on the Theme Cirque Du Soleil. We had gone shopping earlier in the week for masks to wear to the party. His work rented our The Rail in Salt Lake as their venue for the party and it was the perfect place! They had all kinds of yummy food from ceasar's salad to pasta to strawberry sprite. After the awards they had a quick intermission with desserts. This was my favorite part! They had a cotton candy machine, carmel, and white chocolate covered popcorn, carmeled apples, basically things you'd find at a fair. the hypnotist they hired wasn't funny at all and he was a little crude which made it not very enjoyable, not to mention not even half of the people who went up to get hypnotized actually got hypnotized. All in all it was a lot of fun, plus it gave me an excuse to get all doll'ed up and feel pretty :)

The Set Up for the party was incredible
The entertainment was filled with Dancers, Jugglers, and Rope Twirlers

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