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"come live in my heart- I charge no rent"
Oh what a weekend we have to catch you guys up on.
THURSDAY::to start off the pre-weekend T and I had midnight viewing tickets to see Alice in Wonderland in Imax 3D at Jordan Commons. Getting there was quite the task. We got a little bassackwards in all our directions, but finally made it to the theater. The best news upon getting there was that my delicate little boyfriend bought tickets to the wrong theater. Sheesh. Luckily there was two pretty decent seats left in the midnight viewing at the commons so we still got to see the movie. Now the people that were sitting next to us were quite the pests. Not only were they sitting in one of our seats, they were being extremely rude!! They were hogging like 4 seats, AND the arm rest!! I was scared to take a sip of my drink in fear that my arm was going to get ripped off! So the movie was really good in my opinion. Seemed a little short. They could have possibly went a little deeper into the story line, but all in all I enjoyed it. It kept me very entertained AND Johnny Depp was AMAZING in it. (...)

FRIDAY:: Basically Friday we spent apart. T house sat his parents house with his friends. Ordered pizza, played video games, yadda yadda yadda whilst I got to enjoy a wonderful evening at work.
SATURDAY:: well Saturday was a very interesting day. (...) T and I met up, did a few runs to the bank. went and played with thee cutest dogs at the Animal Shelter. One of them was this pit bull and he was thee most chill dog we had ever seen. It almost would have been better to walk him backwards because of how slow and low key he was. Now with T's tender heart that he has he HAD to walk this Schnauzer because he looked so sad and depressed in his kennel. It was very cute to see him take the little dog outside and just go running with him. the dog seemed very happy to be getting some fresh air and exercise as well as T :) hahaha jk.
After returning from the Humane Society we decided that we were going to have a Pizza Contest with T's older brother Marc and coincidentally his girlfriend who is also named Chantel. Anywho me and T knew we were going to win since we had theeee best BBQ Chicken Pizza recipe in the world. (click here for recipe)
Now Marc and Chantel made a Dessert pizza pie which was pretty good, but it was agreed that our pizza took the cake.
SUNDAY:: Sunday was a good day. We went to church (...) with my mother, and then came home and cooked for quite a while. T and I made Chicken Salad Sandwiches which were delicious with a Mixed Greens Apple Pear, and Feta salad and to finish off the evening we ended thing with a delicious homemade Cheesecake with Raspberry topping. very very good.
Today has been quite... uh interesting to say the least. C here by the way. Once again without T. I'm starting to feel that this blog has had one member drop outta the race. Kinda funny considering the events of today.
I feel strange. Have you ever had the feeling where you want so badly to cry... you try and make yourself do it, but you just can't? I've never been able to understand why this is SUCH a hard thing to do. Like for instance all the times i've gotten pulled over for speeding and i try to think of the saddest things in that 7 seconds it takes the cop to walk to your door, but i've never been able to muster up a single tear when i try to tell him that i'm sincerely sorry for speeding. BUT today i've realized why this whole this is.
i've never been sorry for speeding. Yeah maybe sorry that i got pulled over instead of the idiot driving one mile an hour slower than me in the lane to the right.
Just like tonight. I tried making myself cry. I tried making myself sad. it just wasn't happening, and it's because from the note things got left on I was not truly sorry.
Funny how our mind isn't stupid, and can tell true things from the false ones that we try to make ourselves believe.
xoxo (even though i don't feel it today)
Helloooooo blogger world.
C here. Starting off the Cool Kids blog without T(tear), I guess I can't really cry over it tho considering that he tried to set this whole shhpeal up while he was over but I just wanted to cuddle. Can you blame me?
Any whos. I'm not really sure why we are starting this blog... I guess cuz we're weird and I like doing new things. Oh and I've always thought it would be cool to try blogging. Oh and also because T's older sister Steph loves doing it so I figured we'd give it a shot.
With that said I'm gunna leave this one short and sweet.
Until next time w hen we hear from T, or C and T together.